Our local government school district provides all students with devices beginning in K5.

Please consider them as government-spy-in-your-home devices. I'm aware that some children of teachers and/or school board members are NOT allowed to bring their devices home from school, due to parental concerns.

Software can:
- track GPS location
- remotely turn on microphone
- remotely turn on camera
- track keystrokes
- track all websites/assignments visited (and duration)
- track eye movement reading webpage, screen, online "book" page
- create biometric identification/authentication (face, eyes, voice, fingerprints)
- create different lessons and levels of homework required for individual students in the same class (differentiated task demands)
- gather personal/private data for permanent repositories

One definition of FREE refers to things being without cost at point of service.
One definition of FREE refers to people being self-determining, unhindered by law or regulation; having personal liberty.
There may be an ironic balance in that getting more "free" stuff often comes with a tradeoff of being less "free" as an increasing number of life-decisions may be made for a person by an outside entity. There is a fine balance, beyond which a tipping point exists: if given a choice, which form of "free" do taxpaying US citizens prefer?

What should be done?
- While upcoming generations need to be aware of technology, they also need to be aware of the cost in terms of privacy.
- In general, I favor encouraging the use of books, for many reasons.
- This is NOT against AoPS or any of the other excellent online educational programs. For these, I believe it is better to access them through one's own device and not a school-issued device.