Originally Posted by Cranberry
Support and enrich an average performer and put a high performer through a mediocre, standard development process and, at some level, they'll have similar outcomes.
BINGO! It is my understanding that this describes the process and intent of the common core experiment which is being conducted on US public school children. Equal outcomes is the goal for all children in government schools. It is the new basis for public school teacher evaluations, and it is used in school ratings/rankings.

Closing "achievement gaps" and "excellence gaps" involves capping the growth of the children at the top.

Here is a brief roundup of grading practices utilized to accomplish the tilling under of top students:
- 2015 post on grading practices contrived to show equal outcomes
- 2016 post on grading practices contrived to show equal outcomes
- buzzwords to obfuscate the content of gifted programs and services, including the lack of appropriate academic/intellectual challenge and academic/intellectual peers
- data collection: contrived grades passed along to colleges, workplaces

By these means, the government is beginning to select who shall be at the top, in the future. This version of "nurture" is designed to win out over "nature."