I have a friend who spend time coaching her DS in math so that he'd hid the 97% benchmark for the district gifted test. This despite the fact that it wouldn't gain him much benefit (the GT program is nonexistent here). In my mind, coaching for IQ is unethical and serves neither the parent or child (coaching for achievement tests is fine, obviously, because you are supposed to be able to study for an achievement test). Yet, how can you blame a parent, when education is generally so bad that every advantage is important to just get your kids to a decent baseline?

At the same time, I couldn't get my DD any meaningful differentiation in the same district despite her 99.9% scores because she didn't look like a high achiever. Yes she looked like an extremely bored underachiever with confidence issues, but you'd think they'd have some sympathy since they were the ones who caused that problem to begin with.

Note, I'd always understood 125 to be the sweet spot in terms of IQ. Lower and it becomes more difficult to pursue certain intellectual goals, higher and you raise the risk of social isolation and underachievement.