We are finally getting a meeting with the school regarding DD8 getting a GIEP (our school doesn't have GIEP's until 3rd grade and we have had to battle to get accommodations). Now our concern is what should we really ask for. For sure DD8 needs advancement in reading and spelling. She was really into math last year, but this year is balking at anything math related. We recently found out math is the last class of the day and this may have something to do with it. We are trying to do some fun math/physics games at home to try to keep her doing math without really pushing the subject. She should be able to continue her pull out with the gifted teacher which was 2 times a week, but DD8 recently told us it is more often 1 time a week. I've read pull outs aren't the best options, but that is really all our school offers so we will take what we can get. We just want to go into the meeting with some clear goals and I'm afraid we will get into the meeting and the GIEP will already be written out before we can give our input. I don't want to be on the defensive right off the bat and end up seeming like we aren't going to be "team players". I know we what to ask for DD8 to be challenged on a daily basis and to not have to repeat things again and again that she has already shown mastery of. At this point we are not interested in any type of grade skip, but would like to see some form of subject acceleration - whether she goes to a higher grade class or can work on certain things on her own. We are a very small, rural school and we don't want her to feel uncomfortable with any changes we make. If there is anything else anyone could suggest we would be grateful!