Okay, our meeting is in the morning. I found out the school's gifted teacher has already worked on putting together the GIEP. I'm not sure if that is typical or not, but I'm hoping we can give our input and our ideas will still make it into the documentation. We asked DD8 her opinion of what she would like to see change. She mentioned some game they play in P.E. that she doesn't like....lol! We asked if she wanted to go to a different class for reading like she did in kindergarten. She is leery of going to a higher grade class for reading because as she put it, "I don't know all those kids!" Other than the P.E. thing she said she wanted harder spelling words, so she wasn't very helpful. Her attitude goes along with what I mentioned to the school psych when we first gave them our paperwork at the beginning of this school year - we are concerned she is already settling for middle of the road and becoming apathetic. She had such a spark in pre-school and kindergarten, then in 1st grade she had such a bad experience that it sucked some of the spunk right out of her. If anyone has any last minute ideas or suggestions please let us know and please be thinking of us tomorrow and sending good vibes our way - thanks!