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Posted By: ColinsMum ColinsMum's update on Colin - 05/13/17 10:29 AM
It's ages since I've been here, but I still recognise a few names of posters, so maybe there might be a few people reading who would be interested in an update on how Colin is, now he's 13...

The answer is, very well indeed, and about to go as a King's Scholar to a school you may have heard of* (and googling that will, I think, take you straight to it). His current school has continued to be fantastic for him, and preparing (in tiny classes and with individualised work inside them) for the scholarship papers (links to which are a few hits further down that google page, if you're interested/your kids might like them) has been a good stretch for him in his less strong subjects.

Maths-wise we've managed to keep him well occupied without finishing the school syllabus, for which I think we (parents and school) deserve medals. He got through to the second round of full-written-answer international mathematical olympiad team selection competitions this year (didn't get many marks in it, mind, but did get some!) and will go to his first residential maths camp, looking towards that, this summer, just before starting his new school. Although maths is his strongest subject, it's not his obsession; he still reckons he'll probably end up doing a science subject rather than maths at university. We'll see...

He's a really delightful, well-adjusted, happy teenager (touch wood!); he has good friends and enjoys many activities. I'm going to miss him when he's away at boarding school (though it's not like the olden days - it'll be rare to have more than 3 weeks without seeing him, and the holidays are very long). I think it's going to be awesome for him, though, living with the other scholars and (I hope and think) experiencing some very high-powered teaching and peers. (Incidentally, two of the other scholars are listed as being in US schools: if their parents are reading, I'd love it if you PMed me.)

Best wishes to you all and all your children.

* Forgive me for putting it like this: this post is very identifying, even though Colin is not called Colin, of course, and naming the schools involved, or the competition and camp - even though both are easy for a human to identify from what I've said - just feels like one step too far towards being googleable. Admittedly as I think about how to justify rationally what I am and am not happy writing, I realise I can't really!

Posted By: madeinuk Re: ColinsMum's update on Colin - 05/13/17 01:14 PM
I often wondered what had become of you and your son.

I am indebted to you because it was your detailed feedback on an AOPS class (Geometry, I think) that you posted here that persuaded me to try AOPS for our DD.

Great to hear that things are still moving along in the right (somewhat distinguished) direction!
Posted By: MegMeg Re: ColinsMum's update on Colin - 05/13/17 11:30 PM
Wow, so great to hear your update! I haven't been around for a while either, so it was sheer luck that I saw your post. Wish you and Colin all the best.
Posted By: ColinsMum Re: ColinsMum's update on Colin - 05/14/17 12:10 PM
Thank you, madeinuk, Portia and MegMeg! I'd love to hear how you and yours are doing too. I'll try to be around more often, at least for the next few months.
Posted By: puffin Re: ColinsMum's update on Colin - 05/14/17 08:20 PM
Sounds good. Nice to know hard work can pay off.
Posted By: aquinas Re: ColinsMum's update on Colin - 05/15/17 12:05 AM
Delighted to hear from you and to learn that your son is happily forging his own path. Wonderful!!!
Posted By: Thomas Percy Re: ColinsMum's update on Colin - 05/15/17 01:16 PM
Good job Colin's Mum. You do deserve a medal.
Posted By: Platypus101 Re: ColinsMum's update on Colin - 05/15/17 01:37 PM
Fabulous to hear your son is doing so extraordinarily well - he's obviously found the path to hard work and passion for what he does. And nice to hear you are well too - your advice over the years has been invaluable to me as I try to figure out how to support my own rather challenging math monster.
Posted By: ColinsMum Re: ColinsMum's update on Colin - 05/19/17 02:56 PM
Thanks all!
Posted By: Quantum2003 Re: ColinsMum's update on Colin - 06/16/17 07:55 PM
It is always wonderful to hear the success stories. Major kudos to Colin! Unfortunately, it does get harder to avoid identifying info as these kiddos get older and accomplish more.
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