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Posted By: FruityDragons Summer Camps? - 11/02/14 12:13 AM
This is my first post here as I am a fairly new member, although I have been lurking for quite a while! However, the one thing I didn't see that many posts about was summer camps. We live in an a suburban area; however, there aren't very many resources or classes for gifted kids - or too many HG kids, for that matter. So... We've been looking around at some academic summer camps.
I'm looking for a camp for a high school, with a humanities subject matter. In the Midwest would be nice, but not necessarily a requirement.
However, I'm looking mostly for some people who have BTDT:
Are these types of camps good for HG kids? I'm looking for a good educational environment but also for a good peer group - for us that's a big thing. Related to that, does a high selection criteria (is, Davidson THINK versus Northwestern CTD) make a difference in peer group and content/pace, or does the nature of the camp select for HG+ kids?
Sorry for the long post, and thanks in advance!
Posted By: SFrog Re: Summer Camps? - 11/03/14 07:00 PM
We're in IA and drove our DD13 to PA for a three week summer camp through Johns Hopkins University - Center for Talented Youth (JHU-CTY, or just CTY). She did the intensive studies program where most of the kids are gifted and up. Our daughter had a blast. She thought she'd just enjoy the academics, but she really loved meeting and interacting with other kids like her.

Google "CTY" and it'll be at the top of the results. They hold two 3 week sessions each summer, and offer various classes - many in the humanities. The 2015 catalog is not available yet, but you can get a sense of what they offer from looking at the 2014 catalog.

I'm sure there are other great programs out there, but I'd highly recommend looking into CTY.


Posted By: FruityDragons Re: Summer Camps? - 12/05/14 12:38 AM
I'm sorry it took me so long to respond - I've been having some computer problems and, um, just now realized there was a 'reply' button. I hope no one minds....
I did see the information about CTY. I think I'll keep that in the back of my mind and I'm excited to see what the courses are this year!
The only concern about CTY is that I read in one thread (I'm not sure how to link?) that many online CTY courses are from Thinkwell. I know academics aren't the most important part, really, but it would be disappointing if they weren't...unique, if you know what I mean.
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