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I've never been to a homeschool conference, but I'm wondering if one could be helpful to me as an afterschooler? A local one is coming up in a couple of weeks, and seems expensive (because of late sign up -- $100). I wonder if the conferences would be helpful, looking at curriculum in person instead of going off reviews and guesswork, and whatever else they do. I'm now thinking if there are a lot of homeschooler gifted kids out there that I could meet up with too.

Any general thoughts on this idea?

BTW, it's a state parent educator sponsored one. We're not religious and I know I'd be skipping some conferences that seem too much for us to use, but I don't know if the whole thing will be like that or likely a good mix of topics.
I can't comment as its different here. just a bunch of people all selling their things.

I'd love to go to one there just to see what it is like and hear the discussions etc.

$100 seems steep - how long is the conference and what does the fee cover/go towards?

I agree you need to see the curriculae for yourself - even if only to help you see what to avoid/what won't work for you.
I looked online and found some more information. The website states their participants are about 50/50 secular/non-secular. They do have a list of topics presented. It's 3 or 4? days long, with probably 100+ booths. Topics range from how to stay organized homeschooling to keeping kids behaved to STEM and LD, as well as quite a few sponsored by sellers (10-20%) or so.

I did not see any specific topics for gifted, or else I'd sign up right away. But to pay that much to browse through curriculum... not too sure. There is a gifted state conference in the fall in my area (if I can wait that long). Seems that would be a better place to meet other gifted parents from the area. And I'm already fairly committed to summer afterschool curriculum for the time-being.

yeah then it doesn't sound worth it. Sounds more like something that is arranged to ensure that all the "strange potential homeschooling freaks erm parents" are kept in line with school at home according to the state's requirements and aims. frown

I'm sorry! I would not pay that amount for what you described. Wait for the gifted state conference rather
Yes, I think I'll wait for the gifted conference. As we're only afterschooling at the moment and I've already settled on what we're using over the summer, it doesn't seem worth it. Plus, I'm hoping afterschooling will only be for enrichment and fun stuff by next year, not a true curriculum.
Originally Posted by Displaced
Yes, I think I'll wait for the gifted conference. As we're only afterschooling at the moment and I've already settled on what we're using over the summer, it doesn't seem worth it. Plus, I'm hoping afterschooling will only be for enrichment and fun stuff by next year, not a true curriculum.

I will be holding thumbs for you and looking out for an update later in the year then laugh
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