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Posted By: Terrilth Chemistry for elementary grades? - 03/14/12 09:03 PM
Hi All,
Once again I'm here seeking recommendations. smile

My 8 (almost 9) year old really wants to learn chemistry. I'd like something a bit "more" than simple experiments I can find online.

Posted By: jack'smom Re: Chemistry for elementary grades? - 03/14/12 09:11 PM
We bought chem1000 from Edmund Scientifics and have been very happy with it. It is not simple experiments. They have more advanced ones too. We supplement it by reading about the periodic table.
Posted By: Terrilth Re: Chemistry for elementary grades? - 03/14/12 10:17 PM
Thanks jack'smom I will check that out. smile
Posted By: Grinity Re: Chemistry for elementary grades? - 03/14/12 11:47 PM
If you can find a copy, I've heard that Elementeo Chemistry Card Game is very fun to play.
Posted By: La Texican Re: Chemistry for elementary grades? - 03/15/12 12:22 AM

This might make any kits you buy more fun. Santa brought them for Christmas. We're going to use Supercharged Science, just taking a financial hiatus. Just for now they're making fun pretend play. Sadly the splash goggles I bought from Amazon tend to fog. I still make him wear them for the same reason I make him wear protective bike gear- I want it to be a habit when he gets older and starts doing tricks. Sk8 or Die !

Ps. The one fizzy KIT we've bought so far I hid the box and bagged & labeled the ingredients so it looked more like science and less commercialized and magicky.
Posted By: aculady Re: Chemistry for elementary grades? - 03/15/12 01:45 AM
My son loved this chemistry course when he was that age.
Posted By: herenow Re: Chemistry for elementary grades? - 03/15/12 03:01 AM
Aculady -- how old would you go with the Principals of Alchemy? DD12 would like to start using her chemistry set, but seems to need a little direction.
Posted By: aculady Re: Chemistry for elementary grades? - 03/15/12 06:13 AM
It should be great for a 12 year old. The text is written at about a 7th to 8th grade level.

This is from the syllabus:

This is a general foundation course, teaching the basics of Chemistry. Principles of Alchemy covers more than half the material taught in a full year university-level Freshman Chemistry BUT it is taught in such a way that an average 13 year old could learn from it and enjoy it. That's because it is specifically designed as a "low-math" course to teach as much Chemistry as possible without resorting to logarithms, algebra or complex equations. No advanced math skills are expected, so it's suitable for everyone. Principles of Alchemy was developed to meet the needs and curiosity of those who do not want (and perhaps are frightened by) advanced math. However, this is NOT a watered down version of Science. Indeed, some topics are from second year (Sophomore level) university Chemistry!

If we were anywhere but on a gifted board, I wouldn't have dreamed of suggesting it for an 8-9 year old...but that's the age when my son fell in love with it.
Posted By: jack'smom Re: Chemistry for elementary grades? - 03/15/12 11:03 AM
I did The Young Scientists Club with my older boy when he was 7 and 8 years old. They were simple experiments they would mail you once a month- we made a paper mache volcano that blew up; we made crystals with suger; magnets. Then we did some of these Edmund Scientifics chemistry experiments.
He did just now an online Germ Course through Northwestern GLL, which was fun, but I think we are just too busy for online courses. We'll get back to chemistry now!
However, one thing I've noticed is that he is really, really excited about science. He knows ALOT about science, and he is obsessed if we go to a science museum. He tells people he wants to be a doctor (like me!), and I've gotten compliments from parents at his school how much science he knows.
So I figure at least THAT has been successful, at stimulating his interest in science.
Posted By: Terrilth Re: Chemistry for elementary grades? - 03/24/12 12:14 PM
We get the Magic School Bus kits once a month but my daughter goes through those experiments in a matter of minutes!

I will check out those other options. The Elementeo game is on our wish list for sure!

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. smile

ETA: Those disposable lab coats are adorable. Dd would LOVE one of those.
Posted By: Terrilth Re: Chemistry for elementary grades? - 03/28/12 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by solaris
Have you tried The Elements and Carbon Chemistry by Ellen McHenry?

I hope this helps!
I did buy The Elements and we received it the other day. So far dd LOVES it! I do too.
Posted By: PCV Re: Chemistry for elementary grades? - 03/29/12 10:48 PM
You might want to check out the following website for chemistry tutorials, videos, experiments, etc.
Posted By: Bostonian Re: Chemistry for elementary grades? - 04/05/12 01:00 PM
I suggest browsing the science books in the adult section of your local public library. I was doing so yesterday and noticed that many of the science books are for the lay reader and do not assume much of a math or science background, so they may be suitable for students in elementary or middle school. They are not college-level science textbooks.

The adult math section had several Life of Fred math books that we had not bought yet. My son was excited when he saw them.
Posted By: erich Re: Chemistry for elementary grades? - 04/17/12 04:45 AM
PBS has a very good NOVA series about Elements. They even put together an app for iPad.

My DS9 loves it and he uses the app to teach DS4 how to build atoms and molecules.
Posted By: DeHe Re: Chemistry for elementary grades? - 04/17/12 12:34 PM
A second for NOVAs elements and the app. DS6 who is super sciency LOVES it. Really well done

Bostonian, interesting idea about the adult section, although DS wants diagrams and blueprints with his science so not sure how effective they would be, but sounds like a good option since I think we are in danger of running out of kids books!!

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