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Posted By: ABQMom Not Notified of Daily Routine Changes - 10/24/12 04:12 PM
Over the course of the past couple of weeks, I've had several interactions with my 7th grader's Special Ed Principal and the Special Ed Chairperson ( As a suggested change to solving my son's forgetfulness - and as a way to circumvent his using an iPad Mini or iPad in class for the calendar and reminders - an educational assistant was assigned to watch over him during science only.

He missed school one day last week, and as of two days ago, he still had a zero for an assignment in science.

I emailed the Special Ed Chair letting her know about the zero and asking about the procedures for the EA as I was not a part of the decision to put the person in the class. I received an email yesterday letting me know the EA would be checking daily with the teacher and would be pulling my son out twice a week to work with him in the library on vocabulary. This happened yesterday, and my son missed the class reading together on a new section from the book.

I did not agree to have him pulled out for vocab, and he hasn't had a problem with remembering the words' meanings - only their spelling. And no amount of EA intervention is likely to improve his spelling if several years of speech therapy, Wilson Reading, OT, and home tutoring haven't made a significant dent in his spelling retention.

So here is my question - can the school just implement new rules and pull him out of classes on his IEP without my permission or input? I'm to the point I think I need to involve the school's principal, but I thought I'd see if any of you have had to deal with this type of situation and what you learned.

On a good note, I discovered that our district now has a Twice Exceptional Coordinator. I contacted her by email and asked if it is possible to have my son considered for classification as Twice Exceptional despite his not having an IQ score that is high enough. She did a review of his file and said that he is a likely candidate due to the severity of his LD's and that she will begin a full file review and set up a meeting - which could take several weeks or months. But at least it is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Posted By: DeeDee Re: Not Notified of Daily Routine Changes - 10/24/12 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by ABQMom
an educational assistant was assigned to watch over him during science only....
I received an email yesterday letting me know the EA would be checking daily with the teacher and would be pulling my son out twice a week to work with him in the library on vocabulary. ... So here is my question - can the school just implement new rules and pull him out of classes on his IEP without my permission or input?

No. The newer IEP forms are very strict about where services are to be delivered (in the regular classroom vs. as pullout) and the school staff are supposed to adhere strictly to what was agreed to by the team.

Originally Posted by ABQMom
I'm to the point I think I need to involve the school's principal

Seems likely. You can just say nicely the reasons why you think the pullout is appropriate and seek to clarify together as a team what the EA's tasks are. If need be you can call a new IEP meeting.

Originally Posted by ABQMom
aOn a good note, I discovered that our district now has a Twice Exceptional Coordinator.

THAT is remarkable. Glad you'll have someone who can help you advocate!
So here is my question - can the school just implement new rules and pull him out of classes on his IEP without my permission or input? I'm to the point I think I need to involve the school's principal, but I thought I'd see if any of you have had to deal with this type of situation and what you learned.

Agree with the above post-- this sounds like a de facto change in placement to me.

I'd express "concern" that this might be misconstrued as an unauthorized change in placement, since it occurred without any team input.

Posted By: ABQMom Re: Not Notified of Daily Routine Changes - 10/24/12 06:57 PM

We have a short conference tomorrow (entire school has them, so not Sp Ed related), so I will ask then about why the change was made and why I wasn't part of the decision process. Already dreading it after the tempest in a teapot we went through last week with this same teacher. frown
Posted By: eldertree Re: Not Notified of Daily Routine Changes - 10/24/12 07:44 PM
Being pulled out of the classroom for 1:1 or small group vs being given assistive technology which would allow him to remain in the classroom? And without your input in an official IEP meeting? This is a pretty clear violation of Least Restrictive Environment, IMO/E.
Posted By: ABQMom Re: Not Notified of Daily Routine Changes - 10/24/12 08:16 PM
This is exactly my feelings, eldertree - except the words didn't come nearly as clearly as you've stated. Thanks!
Posted By: Pemberley Re: Not Notified of Daily Routine Changes - 10/24/12 08:19 PM
ABQ I think you need to call an IEP meeting. There's been too much confusion and misinterpretation lately. I think gathering everyone together to discuss calmly and get all on the same page may be your best bet here. And I would ask the 2E coordinator to attend as well...
Posted By: ABQMom Re: Not Notified of Daily Routine Changes - 10/24/12 10:07 PM
Pemberley, I'm sure you're right on all counts, but I'm hoping to bandaid through this enough to not have to ask for an IEP meeting until I've been able to meet with the Twice Exceptional Coordinator. I'd like to find out where she is landing on some of the issues before I ask her to attend. If she turns out to not be an ally, it might be worse having her there than not. But if she turns out to be an ally, it might make all the difference in the world about what comes out of the IEP.

Oh, some days it is just so exhausting to push pushing uphill, isn't it? Today is one of those where I just wonder if it is really worth it. Tomorrow I'm sure I'll be back in the saddle tilting at windmills, but today I'm bone weary.

Posted By: Pemberley Re: Not Notified of Daily Routine Changes - 10/24/12 10:11 PM
I'm right there with you today sister... Some days it just seems to get to you doesn't it?
Posted By: ABQMom Re: Not Notified of Daily Routine Changes - 10/24/12 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Pemberley
I'm right there with you today sister... Some days it just seems to get to you doesn't it?
Posted By: polarbear Re: Not Notified of Daily Routine Changes - 10/24/12 11:08 PM
Lisa, there's another reason I wouldn't call an IEP meeting right away - this is a violation of the existing IEP. If you call an IEP meeting,, you're giving the school the opportunity to discuss the IEP and they may recommend/want to make changes. I wouldn't want to be making changes without a lot of thought going into it and having a chance to prep ahead of time. Today, this week, though you have a clear violation of the existing IEP (pulling your ds out of class for spelling help), so you can put that down in writing and email it to the full team, and request that the IEP be followed as written.

I can't remember for sure what is happening with the aide - did they update the IEP to include an aide or is the IEP in place still the same IEP you'd agreed to for this school year with no updates/changes?

Ugh on all the problems - I hope next week brings a chance to relax and not have to be advocating constantly.

Best wishes,

Posted By: ABQMom Re: Not Notified of Daily Routine Changes - 10/26/12 12:03 PM
My son's normal school conference was yesterday, and it was with the Special Ed Chair. I was dreading it, but it went surprisingly well.

It seems that the Special Ed Principal may be the one creating the tempest in a teacup, because without her there, things went very well. The Chair explained that the science teacher requested the educational assistant for that class period because there are several on IEP's (would've been nice to know). My son was pulled out to work in the library on a task the teacher decided was too writing-intensive (definitions for 100 vocab words), and the teacher decided when to have my kiddo go to the library at a time when he wouldn't miss anything in class. I am comfortable with that so will leave it alone for now without a change to the IEP.

We also discussed my son's ongoing difficulty with remembering to turn in assignments, and she asked for my suggestions. I explained that his iPod had a voice memo recorder that would work fine but that the Sp. Ed Principal had vetoed it. She offered to go over her head and ask the principal, who has known my son since he started school. He immediately said yes. So now we will see if it does the trick.

Thanks again for all the feedback and support. You all are amazing!
Posted By: epoh Re: Not Notified of Daily Routine Changes - 10/26/12 01:41 PM
Great update! Isn't it amazing how one person can turn everything to crap?
Posted By: DeeDee Re: Not Notified of Daily Routine Changes - 10/26/12 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by epoh
Great update! Isn't it amazing how one person can turn everything to crap?

But also amazing how an organized and committed parent who communicates carefully and doesn't lose hope can turn it around.

Posted By: ABQMom Re: Not Notified of Daily Routine Changes - 10/27/12 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by DeeDee
Originally Posted by epoh
Great update! Isn't it amazing how one person can turn everything to crap?

But also amazing how an organized and committed parent who communicates carefully and doesn't lose hope can turn it around.


Both are so true.
Posted By: ABQMom Re: Not Notified of Daily Routine Changes - 11/08/12 05:25 PM
Before having a person assigned to assist my son in science: I missing assignment

After having a person assigned: 12 missing assignments.

Seems the aid keeps telling my son that he can just work on it at his own pace in the library with her as he has time. REALLY?!?

I'm so tired of swimming in pudding, though, that I'm tempted to just let them keep piling up until the school finally freaks out.
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