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Posted By: montana Supportive therapist in New Haven, CT area - 01/31/12 07:03 PM
Hello everyone -

I'm looking for a therapist who really 'gets' gifted kids and their issues. I think my son's getting increasingly stressed out by his social situation - the whole difference thing as he approaches junior high - and also has some trouble generalizing, personalizing, and catastrophizing what he sees around him. He can get in cycles of stress that seem to take those two problems and make them a vicious circle. I'd like to find someone who can help him feel like a perfectly normal human being, give him support in being who he is, and gently help him think of ways his own thinking might be making his experience worse. It's really hard to ask around for therapists in the parent community when the gifted 'thing' is a big part of the situation, and googling isn't getting me anywhere. We don't need a tester/assessor at the moment... just a good shrink of some sort.

thanks for any help or recommendations you can give! (and, in hopes of being useful too, here's a helpful blog post by Aimee Yermish on how to pick a therapist for a gifted person : )
I don't have any suggestions, but I too am in the new haven area. Just wanted to say hi. I have two girls nine and six.
Posted By: lmp Re: Supportive therapist in New Haven, CT area - 02/02/12 07:01 PM
Hey! CT! Well, sorry that I've nothing to add either, but wave from CT.
I wonder if the folks at NAEG in Storrs could recommend somebody.
thanks for the thoughts! I'm really coming up with nothing's quite frustrating to interview people who just dodge every angle I can come up with to assess their attitudes toward giftedness and the problems that come along with it. I really do want a knowledgeable, trustable person, and I don't understand why that's so hard to find here, of all places. So I'll have to start calling places and begging for help, I guess. I didn't know of the academic skills clinic, kcab, so thank you! Hi, sydness - nice to 'meet' you! I've got a six-year-old, too - and a three, but boys.
Our school district has agreed to pay for a neuropsych eval as well as a consult with a child psych to determine the best way to address DD7's anxiety. I am looking for input on the following people:

Mary Prevey
Gary Eisenberg
Armon Theis
Mary Best

Child Psychs:
Michael Lustick
Ellen Fischbein
Nancy Moss

Any input would be appreciated as well as any other names.

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