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Hi, My family and I are moving to the Greensboro area. We are looking at the Academy at Lincoln. Anyone familiar with this school? I would love some insight.

Thank you
spirited mama
I just saw this -

PAGE of Wake County in Raleigh, NC � Super Saturday
PAGE of Wake County in Raleigh, NC is hosting their Super Saturday on April 2nd, 2011. Super Saturday is held twice per year, typically in April and November. It�s a chance for gifted kids (K-8) to get together with one another and enjoy fun classes on a variety of topics, and a chance for their parents to hear from guest speakers and network with one another. It will be held at Cary Academy in Cary, NC. Registration opens soon. You can go to for more information

I know it's a bit far from Greensboro, but they would be good folks to ask about Greensboro info maybe - Good luck - Grinity
Thanks! Might be worth checking out the event.

I'm concerned because the school seems to be a good FT GT program but it's located in one of the more lower performing Greensboro city schools. Not sure what the social implications would be or if the GT program is in it's own area yet.

Still need to go take a look.
I don't know much about the schools there, but have a few friends that went through the school system, one of whom is extremely bright. His mother was a teacher in the school system as well. She always spoke highly of the area schools.

I do know however that there is a restaurant there (I lived there for about 6 months as a young adult) that makes the most incredible homemade chips. I just wish I could remember the name for you.

Good luck.
Would it be Ham's restaurant on High Point Rd?
I went to Guilford College, but sorry, not much knowledge of local school system either, Spiritedmama. But my knowledge of tasty food is thorough. smile
Originally Posted by spiritedmama
I'm concerned because the school seems to be a good FT GT program but it's located in one of the more lower performing Greensboro city schools. Not sure what the social implications would be or if the GT program is in it's own area yet.

Still need to go take a look.
This seems to be a common strategy - my cousin has a few of her's in a similar situation in the West. They've been thrilled.
Best Wishes,
Originally Posted by radwild
Would it be Ham's restaurant on High Point Rd?
I went to Guilford College, but sorry, not much knowledge of local school system either, Spiritedmama. But my knowledge of tasty food is thorough. smile

To be honest, I had no idea of the name, but I google mapped it. That's it. YUM.
Friends of mine have sent their kids there, driving across town twice a day to do it. The gifted program is indeed selective, and distinct from the rest of the school. In fact, I just found this discussion forum looking for more info on this school because if our family moved in order to better serve our gifted children, Greensboro's Lincoln is one of the places we would consider worth the move.
Welcome and thanks for the info!
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