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Posted By: Zia's Mom Feedback on the Davidson Academy Reno - 07/06/10 08:09 PM
We have made the decision to begin the process of applying for the Davidson Academy in Reno.

I am particularly interested in learning about the application process, your insight if you toured the school or anything you can share if your child is or was a student.

Thank you.

Posted By: wayoutwest Re: Feedback on the Davidson Academy Reno - 07/07/10 01:16 AM
The application procedure was rather different when my ds, now a DA student, applied a few years back, but he's spoken with plenty of kids who have been through it recently and he says that most of them mention the assessment day more than anything else. From the parents I've spoken with, many of whom are now applying for a sibling of a current student, I get the same vibe. That said, I haven't got a crystal ball and I have no firsthand experience of the current assessment, but for what it's worth....

My understanding is that the assessment is, or is close to, a full day at the school. The kids involved form their own classroom for the day, and they really don't have an opportunity to mingle with the current students. They are taught mostly by one of the middle school English/history teachers, though a math teacher comes in for that portion of instruction/assessment, and the same goes for science whenever science assessment is included. Some kids come out exhausted, other's don't seem particularly fazed -- guess it depends on the kid. Most of them, though, have enjoyed their time in the classroom and were happy to interact with other prospective students. The writing/peer editing/rewriting process take up a good chunk of time, but since that's a rather lengthy process, that is probably to be expected. I think that in addition to academics, the school is looking at the social/emotional side of things, as well.

I do know that the school works very hard to get results back to families as soon as possible, which is no small feat. And I believe a detailed explanation of the assessment testing can be requested. The rest of the application process seems rather standard: test scores, recommendations, transcripts, writing samples, etc. If you have any questions at all about the application, definitely give them a call. When I was in your shoes I bombarded them with questions and it was never a problem.

I'm not sure if the way they did things last year is the way they'll do things in future (the school really is a work in progress), and, again, I have to stress that my family hasn't been through the current application process ourselves. Still, I hope this gives you at least some small insight into the assessment part of the application.

Good luck!
Posted By: Zia's Mom Re: Feedback on the Davidson Academy Reno - 07/07/10 02:20 AM
Thank you very much for the information. My son just went through a similar school assessment locally and loved the interaction and it really gave both the school and our child information they needed. Unfortunately my son walked away saying it was the best two days of his life and the school walked away saying they couldn't meet his academic needs. It was heartbreaking. I am very glad to hear that Davidson will be open to questions and convey information early in the process. Overall, are you happy with the school as a parent? Is your child happy?
Are you from Reno or did you relocate and if so, how did you find the adjustment for your family?

Sorry for all the questions. We are thirsty for information.
Posted By: deacongirl Re: Feedback on the Davidson Academy Reno - 07/07/10 12:40 PM
I know nothing about DA, and suspect that my dd9 would not qualify...BUT I grew up spending summers in Truckee, CA, about 45 minutes from Reno, and it is my favorite place in the world! Don't know if you would relocate there, but Lake Tahoe is breathtaking and there is so much to do--world class skiing, hiking, all kinds of outdoor festivals and activities, great food and wine--I know there are some newer subdivisions in Reno that you can be on the ski slopes at Northstar in 30 minutes, and from what I understand Reno is a pretty liveable city--easy to find your way around. Good luck to your family.
Posted By: wayoutwest Re: Feedback on the Davidson Academy Reno - 07/07/10 04:34 PM

We moved all the way across the country for the DA. The adjustment was, and continues to be, hard, but I think people's feelings about relocation depend on what they like and where they came from. I absolutely love the people I've met, but I can't imagine I would not be here if it weren't for the school. I agree with deacongirl regarding Truckee/Tahoe, but I have no effusive praise for Reno itself. True, Truckee and Tahoe are both spectacularly gorgeous, but there's nothing on that level in Reno proper. In fact Reno is a high desert, not an alpine forest, so the landscape here is way different (and a lot less easy on the eyes) than it is in either of those places. And (depending on traffic/weather) traveling to both Truckee and Tahoe can be a pain. I live in one of those westernmost subdivisions (supposedly 30 minutes from Northstar) and I can tell you that trip there is rarely so speedy. Still, the people in Reno are truly, truly lovely and it really is easy to get around (if you have a car). And the Sierra Nevada area is definitely worth the drive, even if it does take more than 30 minutes. There is nothing more enjoyable than stretching out in the warm summer sun (and single-digit humidity) of a Tahoe beach. The crystal clear water, the pine trees along the shore, the snow-capped mountains in the distance.... It is amazing.

As for the school itself, it's a work in progress and I think anyone considering it for their child needs to embrace that from the get-go. Am I satisfied as a parent? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Is my kid happy? Mostly yes, but sometimes no. I think it's important to keep in mind that the DA is not going to be the perfect school -- no place is going to be perfect. What each family needs to do is take a good hard look at how it really stacks up against a child's current school situation. I also think it is important to get a variety of opinions and talk to as many people as possible, both those who love it there and those who were less than thrilled with their experience. Only then can you make a truly informed decision. I hope you come out to visit and see all that the DA and Reno has to offer, no matter what you ultimately decide to do!
Posted By: Zia's Mom Re: Feedback on the Davidson Academy Reno - 07/07/10 08:24 PM
Thank you for that honest assessment both about the area itself and the school.

I am looking forward to speaking to more parents and learning as much as we can over the next few months.
Posted By: Lorel Re: Feedback on the Davidson Academy Reno - 07/08/10 07:29 PM
One bit of information I have gleaned: The application process is serious. They look at the whole child (social and emotional as well as academic readiness) and it is not enough merely to have qualifying test scores. The DA is apparently looking for those kids who have the best chance of thriving there.
Posted By: LMom Re: Feedback on the Davidson Academy Reno - 07/08/10 10:45 PM
How old is your son? If I remember it correctly he is close in age to my older one, so he would be 8 now. I believe he may be too young to get accepted for the 2011/2012 school year or even 2012/2013.

I think this would be the first question I would investigate. I don't doubt your son's academic knowledge, but I met a few people whose children were deemed too young (not mature enough) for the Academy.
Posted By: Zia's Mom Re: Feedback on the Davidson Academy Reno - 07/08/10 11:37 PM
Hi LMom,
You are correct, he is almost 8 and will be just shy of 9 if we were to get accepted for the 2011/2012 school year.

I was happy to hear that the program is about the whole child and finding the right fit all around. We are serious, too, and have a considerable amount of miles under our belt on the quest for the right academic match.

If we are fortunate enough to get to participate in the on- campus assessment, I will be curious to see just how he does fit in. Since the academic readiness is there, I would hope that the school can take into account the age factor because in my opinon that is what separates them out from the rest of the schools out there that would consider putting an 8 year old in 6th or 7th grade but can't meet the challenges that come with being 8.

My son is very adaptable to a variety of social situations, and comfortable with older kids, but he is every bit his age when it comes to McDonald's toys and who got the bigger bowl of ice cream. I wouldn't have it any other way- I want him to enjoy his childhood and that is why we are willing to move literally across the country to find the right school.

With that said, I will have to trust in the school's assessment and if they don't feel it is right, they should know best. That is what happened here locally this past spring and while I was deeply disappointed, I ultimately understood if they didn't feel it could work (and it was an expensive private school that had every incentive to make it work) then it wouldn't work and nobody would be happy.

Sorry that I am rambling. I appreciate the comments and suggestions and am absorbing it all. I am still quite anxious to speak to parents who applied and if anyone is willing to talk, please PM me.
Posted By: intparent Re: Feedback on the Davidson Academy Reno - 07/09/10 03:21 PM
ZM, as many of us know from experience, an expensive private school does not necessarily mean they can/will provide differentiation for gifted kids! My D goes to one, and is not always as academically challenged as I would like. Sometimes, but not always. It does have some other benefits that make it work for her. She is going to THINK at Davidson tomorrow, and I believe she is looking forward to the accelerated pace and being with a group of her peers. Wish we could consider a move to Reno, but for various job and child custody reasons it is not in the cards for us... Good luck with your search!
Posted By: Kriston Re: Feedback on the Davidson Academy Reno - 07/09/10 03:31 PM
Point of fact clarification: the Davidson Academy isn't private. It's a free public school.
Posted By: wayoutwest Re: Feedback on the Davidson Academy Reno - 07/09/10 04:20 PM
I believe intparent was referring to the school that ZM previously applied to, not the DA. But Kriston is right, the DA is a free public school, not a private school. Keep in mind, though, that there may be costs involved for DA students taking college classes, if that's the level your child is working at. Tuition/books for classes that are required for high school graduation are covered by the DA, even if they are UNR or TMCC classes (which a student would be taking for dual enrollment). That said, there are some necessary restrictions. If a class is given at the DA, and a student decides to take a similar class at UNR, that tuition is coming out of the family's pocket (which makes sense). Classes that aren't required for high school graduation are also a family responsibility.

As for age, that is much-discussed topic among current parents. There have been DA students admitted as young as 9, but I really can't speak as to their success or difficulties with the program. I can tell you that the older students act and talk like high school-age students, and the subject matter of their conversations and the vocabulary they use is typical of teens today. Many students are also in relationships. Gifted teens are still teens, and the risk-taking, defiance, and generally annoying behavior so prominent among teens is alive and well at the DA (my own kid, included).

While younger/older students don't tend to socialize much, a certain amount of overlapping is unavoidable in such a small school (especially one at which ability-grouping is the norm). Young kids are going to see and hear the older kids -- in class, at lunch, on the shuttle bus -- there's no avoiding it. Basically, if you wouldn't want your younger child in a high school environment, I would think hard about the DA (or any school with older students). Most DA parents I know with younger siblings choose to wait until typical middle school age to enroll their second child -- even if they academically qualify for the DA at a younger age. If I had more younger children, I wouldn't dream of sending them to the Academy until they were at least 11 or 12. I, though, tend to want to extend the innocence of childhood as long as possible for mine, others may feel differently and I don't mean to imply that another point-of-view isn't justified as well. Everyone knows their own kid best, so it is an extremely personal decision. I'm just giving my opinion as someone who has been there, I certainly don't mean to say there's one right age for admissions. Nothing is that cut-and-dry with these kids!
Posted By: Zia's Mom Re: Feedback on the Davidson Academy Reno - 07/09/10 10:47 PM
Ditto the appreciation for Wayoutwest's insight. I am really confused at this point. Maybe I am not understanding what DA can provide to any child who has academic needs far beyond their age.

I don't want my 9 or 10 year old in a high school. I want an environment where he is with age peers (within reason, I understand 3 years is a typical spread at DA) and learning at his proper academic level. If I were to wait until he was older, then he would miss out on the upper middle school part of the education and go right to high school. I like the idea of DA because he could stay in a school environment and put down roots for a number of years- middle schol all the way through high school graduation.

On a practical level, I looked at the beginning levels of education at DA and I suspect that most PG kids are hitting those first subject levels at 9 and 10, so why wouldn't there be more kids in that age group at the school? Do you think the other social factors weed many kids out (perhaps mine included) so the school tends to sway more toward the kids working at high school and college level opposed to the high middle school years?

Thanks to the feedback I have some great questions to ask the folks at DA and would be very grateful for any folks with kids 9-11 at DA to write about their experiences.
Posted By: CAMom Re: Feedback on the Davidson Academy Reno - 07/09/10 11:24 PM
We are not DA parents but recently did the tour. I felt like the one major thing they had to offer over other schools was the understanding of the whole child. They seemed really focused on giving even PG kids a very well rounded experience, rather than just hurrying them through school. I appreciated their desire to keep them as long as possible and not just put a 13 year old in college full-time. In a setting with a bunch of 11-14 year olds all working at very advanced level, they can keep them together instead.

As for being 9 at the academy, I wouldn't want to send my son that early (who is now 7). He might be academically ready but he is not physically or emotionally mature enough to sit through a college class. He would need the academics from a teacher who understands that he still needs to wiggle a little. He simply wouldn't be able to be in a class with 16 and 17 year olds.
Posted By: kimck Re: Feedback on the Davidson Academy Reno - 07/09/10 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by CAMom
As for being 9 at the academy, I wouldn't want to send my son that early (who is now 7). He might be academically ready but he is not physically or emotionally mature enough to sit through a college class. He would need the academics from a teacher who understands that he still needs to wiggle a little. He simply wouldn't be able to be in a class with 16 and 17 year olds.

Interesting. So maybe they're looking at the "whole child" being at least jr. high age? You'd need the organizational, writing skills, maturity, and patience of a 7th-8th grader as well as the academic piece for a good fit? I am a bit surprised as well they don't accommodate more younger students.
Posted By: wayoutwest Re: Feedback on the Davidson Academy Reno - 07/10/10 12:41 AM
So sorry! I didn't mean to confuse, ZM, let me try and explain better. After that, CFK, I'll answer your question.

9 and 10 year olds at the DA do have peers, but the majority of kids are indeed 11/12 and up. The younger kids do tend to stick together, and they do have friends to choose from, but they are not exclusively in an environment with their age peers the way they would be typically. If you have a 10-year-old ready for Algebra or Geometry, he/she will not be in a classroom comprised of only age peers, he/she will be in a class with older students. I'm guessing the staff does try to keep ages in mind when they are scheduling classes, but primarily the classes are ability grouped and students are not assigned grades (6th grade, 7th grade, etc.), so the age range within a class can be big. Of course, the middle school classes tend to skew younger, so the problem does self-correct a bit for the lower level classes.

As for why there aren't more 9 or 10 year olds? Who knows? My guess would be maturity level. It also doesn't hurt that Washoe County has excellent self-contained gifted classrooms throughout the city for grades 3-6 (with similar test score requirements to the DA). Many younger kids are happy to stay in that elementary school environment, doing advanced work, until they finish 6th grade. Many DA siblings attend that GT program, and only apply to the DA when they are through.

Anyway, what I was trying to say, was that the DA may be perfect for some young kids, but the atmosphere is not like being in a typical middle school, and nothing like being in an elementary school. The only reason I stress that here, is that I'm not sure I really grasped that when we applied. Back then there were no 9 or 10 year olds (my ds, now 14, was 11 and one of the younger ones), and I never really thought about how interacting with older kids might impact him. I probably should have, and that's why I bring it up. But my impressions may not be relevant to anyone else, so please take them with a grain of salt. Again, I don't mean to imply that younger students should stay away. Absolutely, not! Each kid is different, and will have a different DA experience. The DA has plenty to offer kids of all ages, there are just a lot of things to consider when making such a big decision.

CFK, the social scene is indeed a big draw at the Academy. It really is much nicer to be a part of a larger group, then alone on a college campus. Our former school district was one of the best in the country, with a gazillion AP classes, so there was no need for dual enrollment, but I was concerned about age. He would have hit high school very young, without knowing anyone (b/c he was attending a private school for the gifted that went until 9th grade, at the time). I kind of thought saddling him with new kids in a new school full of older kids would have been a social nightmare. The DA also offered other perks to my math/science guy: the ability to do university research, the ability to work at different levels in different classes, and the ability to take college classes without me having to spend my days driving him back and forth between campus and middle and/or high school (DA students are escorted to and from UNR classes).

The biggest perk of all, though, is the cluster of other families. Reno has become a community with so many other families in a similar situation, that it is an absolute blessing being here (even if the transition has been tough). Not all are DA families, not all are even YS families, but all know what it's like to raise these kinds of kids. You can share victories w/o feeling like you're showing off, find sympathy when setbacks happen, and have numerous avenues available for BTDT advice. This time next year my ds will be moving on from the DA, but no matter where we end up, I know I will have the friends I made here forever.

Again, I apologize for any confusion I caused.
Posted By: Chrys Re: Feedback on the Davidson Academy Reno - 07/10/10 01:03 AM
Thanks for all the feedback. I have been wondering about DA recently. It would still be a few years off for us.
Posted By: Zia's Mom Re: Feedback on the Davidson Academy Reno - 07/10/10 01:23 AM
Thanks WOW (wayoutwest)!
I am starting to get a much better picture of things. We will keep an open mind, knowing that if not next year, we can always consider it down the road.

I am jealous of the situation you have in Reno, or even where you came from before. We have none of that where we are.
I am sure I will be back with more questions if and when the process evolves.
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