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Posted By: Ben Davidson academy admission criteria=? - 06/04/09 11:02 PM
What do the admission scores that meet the criteria mean? As in, what LOG? I was wondering because they seem awfully low for an 8th grader on the ACT. You need: 28 English, 26 Math, 30 Reading, 26 science, 26 composite (at least 3 of 5 are needed to be met). But I got a 33 English, 34 Math, 30 Reading, 34 Science, and 33 composite. What LOG would I be, by definitions?
Posted By: Nautigal Re: Davidson academy admission criteria=? - 06/05/09 04:27 AM
Umm, "Very" would be my estimation--forget the definitions. smile I know only one person in my high school who had scores like that, and he was of the off-the-charts variety of gifted. He's an MIT professor now. I know that doesn't answer your question regarding LOG definitions, but those are an odd collection in themselves.
Posted By: valry Re: Davidson academy admission criteria=? - 06/05/09 06:12 AM
College admission test scores aren't required for admission to the Academy. But for those who do opt to submit them, ACT/SAT test scores are only one piece of the admissions picture, and I believe the admissions team doesn't use them to determine LOG. Nor should they, as that's not what either the SAT or the ACT are designed to test. The ACT, in particular, measures academic achievement, not intelligence or giftedness. Full scale IQ results would probably be more appropriate for something like that and give you a better idea of LOG. You should certainly be proud of you high test scores, though! Well done!
Posted By: chris1234 Re: Davidson academy admission criteria=? - 06/05/09 10:49 AM
Otoh, there is an SAT:Iq conversion chart floating around on the web (should be taken with a grain of salt!) I have read, and I think it is reasonable, that it is impossible to achieve more than one is capable of (aka higher than your innate potential), so you could think of your act scores as a minimum statement of your potential.

There might be a similar one for act scores, but I could not find one, upon briefly googling.

Posted By: valry Re: Davidson academy admission criteria=? - 06/05/09 02:47 PM
I am familiar with the correlation charts that are floating around out there, but thought that they were only valid for calculating IQ from college admission test scores that are at least 15 years old or so. I believe that once the SAT was re-centered in 1995, it was no longer possible to use it as an effective measure of IQ (and therefore is no longer an appropriate tool for determining LOG). I know that Mensa doesn't accept SAT/ACT scores from after '95 for admission purposes, for that very reason. The new version of these tests just don't lend themselves to IQ correlation.
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