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Posted By: Brittany Newby here. Evaluation question... - 09/04/08 10:28 PM
Okay so DD got referred by our pedi to get a full Baily's done. I have NO idea what that is.
This is all new to us. She is gonna be 3 in about 3 months. So she's still two but... if I had to guess I'd say she's at like a k4 or kindergarten level in everything except maybe a few fine motor skills (she just starting to learn to hold a pencil)...
What will this Baily's thing assess? What will it tell us? What will she have to do? Do I get to be there with her? How do I use the results to make sure I'm giving her the best stimulation possible?
So, we're still going back and forth and back and forth on if we should put her in pre-school or not. She absolutely LOVES the idea... I don't wanna spend the money though if it's not REALLY gonna benefit her in every way.
Maybe the full Baily's will help me know if Pre-school is a good fit for her? I donno.
Like I said... I am SO new at this.

She amazes me everyday!
Posted By: squirt Re: Newby here. Evaluation question... - 09/06/08 02:32 AM
Hi, Brittany,

I have no answers for you but thought I'd say "welcome". I've never heard of "the full Baily's" (ok, I know, but it's gotta come out: the full monty!). I'm sure someone else will chime in and help you out.

These kids are amazing and it can be very hard to know what to do with them.
Posted By: chris1234 Re: Newby here. Evaluation question... - 09/06/08 01:10 PM
This might be what is being recommended; the spelling of Bayley is different - it might be why you couldn't find much on it.

Did the doc give you any reasons/clues as to their thinking in making this recommendation? Did they give you some psychologists to call about it? Definitely give them a ring to discuss if so. I think a lot of people on this forum would be curious to find out more about this assessment.

Posted By: Brittany Re: Newby here. Evaluation question... - 09/08/08 11:25 PM
Yeah. i thought the name sounded like the full montey too! hee hee..

Well, the pedi just had his referal person set one up an apt. She kinda took it from there I think. She was gonna get us set up for the full "Bayleys" or whatever and then when she went to make those arrangements she found that it was more for the purpose of finding out if a child was developmentally delayed rather than advanced. So, concidering that and that it only goes to 3 1/2 yrs she'd probably ceiling and it wouldn't tell us much. At that point she suggested I call a school psychologist she had talked to and she was she says and then call back I guess. I talked to her today and she had some good things to say.

I think with my son taking a lot of my time and my daughter will blossoming academically it's just an awkward time to give her what she needs to be stimulated. We'll get past it and it probably not end up using any outside help (eg pre-school, assessments, tutors)....

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