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Posted By: lulu lattice multiplication - 08/02/10 10:02 PM
Can anyone explain this to me? My 7 year old tried today, and left me feeling a. dense and b. wondering why on earth any one teaches multiplication this way?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: lattice multiplication - 08/02/10 10:32 PM
I sometimes go to Khan Academy for explanations:

Different folks get it in different ways. smile And no, I have no affiliation so this isn't a one time post to advertise. I just haven't had anything of value to say here yet.
Posted By: chris1234 Re: lattice multiplication - 08/03/10 12:30 AM
it's a very hands on/see what is going on sort of way to look at it. My very visual ds really liked it. He liked 'big 7' division, too. But then he like regular long division, multiplying big numbers in his head (without a timer of course) and any other reasons to fiddle with numbers. I liked the lattice when he explained it to me, but stick with my old school ways. smile
Posted By: lulu Re: lattice multiplication - 08/03/10 04:27 PM
Thanks. I guess I see why he would like it now - any excuse to fiddle with numbers lol:)
Also appreciate learning about the Khan Academy.
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