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Posted By: incogneato The Edison Trait - 01/03/09 04:41 AM
Okay, inspired by Chris1234.............

I just started reading the Edison Trait. Anyone else read that one? Thoughts?

I'm just in the beginning chapters, but is seems to be written about DD6. I even see DD8 a little, although, she is just not as overt about publicly displaying her "Edison traits"!
Posted By: st pauli girl Re: The Edison Trait - 01/03/09 03:19 PM
That looks like a good one, 'neato. I'll try to check that one out, since i'm number 23 on the waiting list at the library for Outliers!
Posted By: Barbara Re: The Edison Trait - 01/03/09 05:09 PM
I first found that book when DS9 was 6. I found it extremely enlightening, and was maybe the first time I realized that my "different" child was just that - different.

I took the book round to all the teachers, adminstrators and anyone else associated with my son and they all smiled, nodded, said "wow, that's really interesting" and of course, nothing changed.

The book is now called "Dreamers, Discovers and Dynamos" maybe the "Edison Trait" was too scary or something!
Posted By: incogneato Re: The Edison Trait - 01/03/09 05:13 PM
Thanks for the tip. I was debating with myself whether or not I should buy one for her teacher. I suspected your result..


That would be sad if the title was changed for that reason. frown
Posted By: Barbara Re: The Edison Trait - 01/03/09 06:34 PM
It's probably something as benign as changing publishers and the "new" title was catchier.

I really enjoyed the book though.
Posted By: Kriston Re: The Edison Trait - 01/03/09 07:40 PM
Actually, I was thinking it might be that they were probably hoping to attract those with GT denial. I would never have thought of DS7 as "another Edison," and so I might have passed by the book. But a discoverer? Yeah, that I can see!

Optimistically yours,


Posted By: chris1234 Re: The Edison Trait - 01/03/09 10:37 PM
Cool! I had this one on my list about a year ago but never got around to it, I will definitely be checking it out - thanks for the reminder! smile
I almost always have to order stuff like this to be sent to my library, since our library is so teeny.

Posted By: chris1234 Re: The Edison Trait - 01/03/09 10:53 PM
found it finally on the library site; just a typo in the title above that threw me off...I copied and pasted it and thought, oh my county doesn't have it frown
but then I tried via amazon and
thought I would post the amazon link/title for anyone fishing around for it. (let me know if it isn't the right one!)
I didn't buy, but it did help me find it on the library site.
Dreamers, discoverers, & dynamos : how to help the child who is bright, bored, and having problems in school / Lucy Jo Palladino.

I almost never buy books, and hardly ever new ones at that - I mentioned Outliers to DH and he just turned up with it for me the next day... I was like "what's this?" a book I don't have to remember to return somewhere? It's kind of nice every once in a while, but they can get sooo expensive!
Posted By: WannaBeGTEduc Re: The Edison Trait - 01/04/09 12:16 AM
That is a wonderful book - I wanted to warn you all that you may want your own copy to make notes in, etc. My DD8's gifted teacher loaned me her copy, which prompted me to buy my own when I was repeatedly tempted to underline or highlight, etc. My DD8 is totally a dreamer with a little discoverer thrown in and a sprinkle of dynamo (when the topic is something she is interested in). You're right - it was the first time I realized that she was different than the other gifted kids.
Posted By: Barbara Re: The Edison Trait - 01/04/09 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by chris1234
found it finally on the library site; just a typo in the title above that threw me off...I copied and pasted it and thought, oh my county doesn't have it frown
but then I tried via amazon and
thought I would post the amazon link/title for anyone fishing around for it. (let me know if it isn't the right one!)
I didn't buy, but it did help me find it on the library site.
Dreamers, discoverers, & dynamos : how to help the child who is bright, bored, and having problems in school / Lucy Jo Palladino.

sorry for the earlier typo - DS6 was bumping my shoulder

I found a couple copies (one for $1.25!) on if anyone wants to check it out
search under Lucy Jo Palladino
Posted By: chris1234 Re: The Edison Trait - 01/10/09 11:21 PM
I just picked up a copy and have read a bit.
Initial impressions - so much of it sounds bang-on for ds8, but scattered across these three categories, probably mainly dreamer, but a bit of discoverer and a good bit of dynamo...
DD2.5 might be 100% dynamo and 100% discoverer.
So, that is confusing to me, but I am excited and interested to read more.

The quick description of part III sounds great: "explains how to obtain professional services for your child while maintaining your ability-centered [aka positive] approach. about ADD, its relationship to the Edison trait..."

I really need this right about now! smile

ps, Dottie, ds doesn't have too many issues in school either, so that title is a little off-focus for me too, at least this semester...
Posted By: incogneato Re: The Edison Trait - 01/11/09 12:38 AM
I just finished reading it. It's a good book, puts a lot into perspective. Some of my parenting tricks are cited in the book, darn I thought I was so original! I must be an Edison parent. smile

I skimmed the last section on ADD, wasn't real interested, but she did a great job relating some of the symptoms to traits of divergent thinking.

Tons of cited research, many pages or resources listed.
Posted By: Kriston Re: The Edison Trait - 01/11/09 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by incogneato
Some of my parenting tricks are cited in the book, darn I thought I was so original! I must be an Edison parent. smile

I could have told you that! laugh
Posted By: chris1234 Re: The Edison Trait - 01/17/09 02:21 AM
Gosh that took a while! I finished, skimming a bit in the middle since I was interested in the end part - it turned out to be very good, very interesting. I think the methods for keeping communication flowing were really good. I really need the reminder to be more positive around ds, it is so easy to be constantly commenting on the things I see going wrong.

The chapter on getting professional assessments, etc. was very good.

I was not expecting that the emphasis on ADD vs. Edison Trait profile would be so heavy. Also there were some parts that seem contradictory.

Mostly it seemed like the author was saying the e-t profile is often overlaid with the attention issue termed add, but that they are separate. Divergent thinking is something to be nurtured. Inability to attend to basics is something to be worked on to diminish it's negative impact on your life.

Then again in the part about talking to kids about medication for add, ch. 15, it almost seemed like the approach was to say that add symptoms were the same as divergent thinking and that for certain circumstances that type of 'attention' needed to be changed to another type of attention. I didn't really like that, maybe I misunderstood. I was ok with the idea of telling a kid it was like having glasses, again this makes ok sense to me. Unless, in fact, it's not like needing glasses and we just need different teaching approaches for these kids.(!?!?)
I guess like most folks I am still very confused on this subject!

I very much enjoyed the phrase 'regurgitational test taking' :), in fact that whole 'What is a learning disability' section was great, but again adding more questions as to whether add is a difference or a dysfunction (sp?).

I have to stop typing now. My ds is making me feel like I have an attention problem because he keeps interrupting me and I think this has taken me like two hours to type already crazy

sorry if my ramblings make no sense!
Posted By: incogneato Re: The Edison Trait - 01/17/09 03:09 AM
LOL, all good comments. Reading this book really convinced me that brick and mortar schools likely won't work out all that well without some sort of alteration....

I really liked the "time in". I did that with DD6 and she was beaming. We had a little lady's lunch. smile
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