My DD 10 was given the WISC-IV and the WJ-III-ACH. Scores were as follows:
WJ-III-ACH Reading 97th; Math 91st
Verbal comprehension 79th
Perceptual reasoning 79th
Working memory 18th
Processing speed 94th
Full Scale 79th

All scores given are in the percentile.. Obviously, her scores do not meet gifted requirements (and I know this forum is for gifted issues), but I�m hoping someone can help me understand them better.

My few questions:
1. The school psychologist said that my DD did seem to �fade off� when asked certain questions, but that she tried to gain her attention again. Would this inattentiveness influence all of the components of the WISC-IV or just the working memory component?
2. The school psychologist said that I could not have the other scores (the scores for the subcomponents of the tests). She said those scores were all part of the protocol; yet I have seen several posts on this discussion board with all of the scores. Is this normal for the district to not give the scores to the parents?
3. The psych. did say that DD performed very well on the abstract portion , and that she seemed very focused when she actually pulled out the stopwatch for the processing speed. We did no coaching, and put no pressure to perform. We wonder if we should have told her to take it a little more seriously (we just didn�t want to stress her). How much can IQ scores vary (I�ve read differences of opinion, so I�m just curious about anyone�s views or experiences)?
4. With the percentile scores being so close with verbal and perceptual components, would you feel that these scores probably represent her true IQ?

She exhibits several gifted characteristics in certain areas, but not much of a talker, introverted,and is definitely a high achiever; we just really thought she would have scored higher.Didn't know if we should consider private testing maybe with the SB (or just accept the numbers). Thanks in advance for your help.