If you have a kid who's interested in Astrophysics here is a 3 credit on-line class offered by Rutgers University. Rutgers has been very open to working with HEROES students (go to www.HEROESgifted.com) and has even created a way to make it easier for our kids to register for classes and has been very willing to help match up kids with mentors. This professor has run a summer class for high school students and their teachers for years on this topic, is conducting a lab on this at the upcoming HEROES conference and is now offering it on-line.

Here's the basic info:

Class: Research Methods in X-ray Astro-Physics (01:750:120)

Prerequistes: Algebra and trigonometry

Professor: Matilsky, who is the instructor for the Astro-physics lab at the HEROES conference.

For additional information go to: http://physics.rutgers.edu/ugrad/120/

To register for the class go to: http://www.continuingstudies.rutgers.edu/

Some HEROES students are taking this course and we plan to organize a study group for them. If you're taking this class and want to join the study group go to www.HEROESgifted.com an apply for membership.