We like eclectic at our house. It's nicely adaptable to your chid's specific needs.
The trick is to realize that you don't have to do everything all at once. Dabbling is good, especially at first. Get your feet wet before you dive in headfirst. Remember that if your child is ahead of the curriculum already, you don't have to worry so much about coverage. That won't be as hard as you think.
My goals the first year were just to be sure he learned something every day, he was challenged some every day--not necessarily challenged in every subject every day--and that learning was fun for him. (Not to say that it's a party all the time, but that it's pleasant. For a kid who is appropriately challenged, learning is generally fun in a fulfilling, pleasurable sense.)
If you manage to achieve those goals, you'll be fine. The first year is as much a learning experience for you as it is for your child, and that's perfectly normal.
Ask questions as you need to.