Viewing a 2013 discussion on 'giftedness and crime' on this forum motivates me to convey the following concern for public health, safety and blunting competition in every sphere of society.

Should there be legal safeguards* to prevent improvisation of common emitters of powerful energy (home heating appliance - Magnetron [short-range], wireless communication - outdoor high gain Line of Sight transmitters [long-range], medical diagnostics - X-ray tube [short-range]) to function as a weapon? This concern becomes significant when a potent unidirectional energy emitter integrates an improvised doppler/ultrawideband radar based human vital sign detection to locate a target of opportunity. The FCC regulates such emitters in the business and hobby realm (HAM radio) and the FDA in patient monitoring/diagnostic realm. However, a combination of those technologies which is neither in FCC's or FDA's jurisdiction is effective in causing harm (cued/contextual fear conditioning etc.) since the radiated power exceeds regulated limits and escapes detection (no forensic tests to detect malicious use of potent energy anywhere in the world).

In the sphere of competition, obviating the gift of reasoning, to get rich quick and/or to dominate proceedings without merit puts those who are unaware of the cause-effect relationship of health impact from potent energy under significant disadvantage.

The only barrier to prevent such misuse is expertise in electronic circuit design/fabrication. This concern applies to all countries.

[*] Statutes/penal code clearly mention potent energy from common sources as a method of crime accompanied with forensic tests. The pertinent laws among others are - physical trespass/assault, RICO, antitrust.