I got this info in my inbox this morning and thought to pass it on.
Our DS was recently evaluated and diagnosed with mild inattentive ADHD and executive function "issues" and so we are trying to find information anywhere we can on how to support him.
Thomas E. Brown

Consulting Psychologist, Understood; Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Keck School of Medicine of USC

Mon Mar 26 at 12:00pm ET

Twice-exceptional kids with ADHD need to be challenged in areas in which they’re gifted, and supported in the areas where in which they struggle. In this expert chat, Thomas E. Brown, Ph.D., clinical psychologist, will be talking about the misconceptions and unique challenges faced by 2E kids with ADHD, and what they need to thrive in life.

No registration is needed—simply go to live.understood.org at the time of the chat, and RSVP below.