This is an old post and since then a lot of great books hand studies on Neurofeedback have come out

Here are some other resource for sharing experiences about neurofeedback:

I highly recommend looking into it for the whole family, seriously, parents of 2e children deal with a lot of additional stress and anxiety and this can really help with that which in turn helps the child. Also, a lot of us have the same issues that our child has maybe less severe but it makes it hard to be a good role model. I found that my own training allowed me to step back and let my child blossom in a way I never could before because my own anxiety about her failure to thrive or live up to her abilities. My feelings of failure and guilt as a parent for not being able to help her more, for not getting the right supports early enough in school for not having enough patience with her, for not seeing her struggles as real early enough - all that baggage is gone and our relationship is much better because of it.