Originally Posted by Mia
Oh, my. KG was doing similar things at a similar age (and more), but I wasn't thinking much of it at the time -- if anything, I was *censoring* myself on my birth board so that others wouldn't feel bad! I didn't think it was all that unusual, tbh, and wasn't exactly out of resources ... I'd just hand him my cell phone and tell him we were leaving the park in 5 minutes, and he'd figure out when that would be, LOL! No pricey resource there. smile

This was my reaction as well. I absolutely censor myself when posting on my birth board about G and his development and I actively discourage friends who "know" about G to discuss it either. I am not at all interested in the spotlight for him. Challenged, active, happy, for sure. Famous? Well known? Not so much.

Like Mia, we incorporate our daily lives and routines into all sorts of learning situations. We do math with the clock, figuring out how many minutes until we do something or arrive somewhere. He reads me instructions on packages as I cook. We talk about directions, street names, distances while in the car. And I fully utilize our library and the wonderful men and women who work there. They have pointed me in directions I would never have thought of on my own.

As for videos, I have taken some, surreptitiously, of G in his normal course of play. They are for record keeping and use in the future for evaluation purposes. They are certainly not for general consumption.