Hi all! I wanted to update my old post because the district decided to give everyone the Cogat this year, and DD (who is already identified as GT) scored higher than 140 on at least one subtest now. This means the district will go ahead and administer an IQ test for her, which is wonderful because I will not have to seek out private testing (and always wonder about the "what ifs" if we had chosen not to get private testing).

The bigger surprise is that my second daughter also scored higher than 140 on at least one COGAT subtest. She has been tested for GT the past 3 years and always had borderline scores. I am hoping that she will now qualify for GT (again I don't know which subtest score...if it was only the nonverbal section I think her FSIQ will become very important).

If either of them scores higher than 145 on the iq test they will be able to enter a lottery to attend the highly gifted school in our district. So ironic that my second child (whom I've had to advocate like crazy for over the years trying to prove that she should be in the regular GT program) will now be tested for the highly gifted program.