Thanks for all the responses. I thought I responded earlier to Polarbear but I guess I forgot to submit. An expressive language disorder has also always been on the back of my mind. Especially since her reading level scores don't seem to correlate to what I know she capable of. The tests they take at her school require explanation to get Higher scores. And every Monday she would ask me what to put for her writing assignment about what they did over the weekend.
Could I try to get the school (public) to test her for this (expressive language disorder)? I worry they will say no because she is still in the high average range. Or I guess I don't need to tell them I had a Wisc done on her and get her teacher from last year to recommend the testing.
I will ask more about her testing the next time we see her regular psych and ask for the raw scores on the PRI and WM subtests.
In her school district they take the CoGat in October. We will get those results back in January. It will be interesting to see if her verbal score on that is similar to the Verbal score on the Wisc.