My daughter is in the eighth grade where, as she has informed me, her "teacher is an idiot". She's an abysmal teacher and not an intelligent person, and my daughter hates her class more than all of the others (and she hates all the others, too). She got a reading/writing EALP in second grade, but our district never does anything about them. She's in honors, but the class is still boring, and their school's gifted program only meets once a month or so. My daughter has been reading at high school level since she was seven and fluent adult level since ten or so, and writing is by far her best subject. Honestly, if I'm being "no braggy", she's been published in adult anthologies and is working on a book deal, and her writing level is beyond any of her teachers'. So she's always hated language arts class, because at this point they're still teaching what a metaphor is and how to write with "vivid adjectives", and she feels like she has nothing to learn.

At this point she just wants to be pulled from the class and do a college online course instead. We don't know which schools offer a challenging, interactive course. She doesn't particularly want to do online classes because she loves debate and discussion, but the teacher isn't letting them do that anyway. My daughter says the teachers tells them, "Any opinion is correct as long as you have evidence," but then continues to shove her opinions down their throats and say anything that isn't what she put is wrong. My daughter says she'll challenge the teacher, and tell her why she thinks a different view is correct (when they go over what the climax of a story is, for example), the teacher just shuts her down. None of the class will speak up for her, even though after class they tell her "You were totally right and Mrs. Blahblah wrong". My daughter isn't thrilled with the idea of an online course, since she loves debating and exchanging ideas, but her teacher isn't offering that anyway.

Does anyone know of an online class that will be challenging and interesting for her, and that the school will accept as a substitute?
