I initially posted this in the general discussion board but maybe its better suited for this one..Let me start with some background info. Per my mother, I was a very hyper alert baby. I didn't sleep much and I had to be constantly stimulated. She describes it as being dramatic. I didn't have a lot of friends from the get go because I didn't really relate to them. My second grade teacher told my parents I needed to be tested because with my personality and my "extreme disorganization," she felt I was either special needs or gifted. I would decide I had a different name and was that person and would only answer to that. The teachers had no choice but to call me whatever I decided. I was often in my own world. If we had reading time, I would become so involved that I couldn't hear the teacher say it was time to stop and I'd get in trouble. I couldn't explain that when the teacher gave us a paper for instance, the other kids could put it in the binder it belonged in and put the binder away. I couldn't do that. My mind would jump ahead and I couldn't stay on that task. I'd shove things places and move on. And get in trouble. I saw doctors that felt I was not add or adhd. When I was finally tested, they immediately sent me to classes with fifth graders. Fifth graders don't really like second graders. I was an outcast and on top of it, nothing they threw at me was enough. I needed to be individually challenged and teachers don't have time or resources for that and my parents just couldn't handle it. They didn't know what to do with me. I was bored and fell behind. School was really rough for me until I graduated. It was a struggle to fit in and class was like torture because it was so dull and slow. Fast forward to now. I have a 3 month old. It never crossed my mind that he would be anything like me. I know three months is silly to be worried about anything. But when I'm around other kids his age and when I am on parenting forums, he just doesn't seem like the other babies. He sleeps around 8 hours total per day. He can't just be. He has to be entertained and engaged constantly. He's very vocal and he's also very sensitive. It seems like everything he experiences, growth spurts, leaps, whatever, he experiences in the extreme. He reacts so easily to everything. Whether it's something funny or something that upsets him. It's also like he gets bored of things quickly. It's hard to find things to keep him occupied and engaged. I don't know if it's too early to think he might be different or what. I just don't want him to experience what I did. If he needs more, I want to know so I can give him that. I'm a sahm and I've thought of homeschooling when he's older for academic reasons (not religious), so I know I'll be able to focus on him one on one if I need to. I just don't want to miss any signs that he's giving, you know? I can't find anyone else going through this, so I found this forum. Any advise? Am I just being paranoid? If I am, please tell me lol. If not, I'm open to suggestions! Thanks in advance for reading my crazy long post guys. I'm just a little lost with my precious little guy.