So, I have been reading much on this site, reading books on gifted kids, etc, etc. I am supposed to meet with our 3rd grade daughter's teacher next week. I will go in with a positive attitude/talk about "collaboration"/offer to buy a book for her on gifted students (this is a teacher who would like that)/talk about achievement/move on to new goals (hopefully). I will even pay for other books, etc, if need be!
I guess what I am asking is, with the below levels of achievement, what could I ask for? Is there any point of asking for more assessments when she gets assessed all the time? I will also state, since this question comes up all the time here, that our daughter is bored. She is though, the "perfect" student because she is scared of getting in trouble so she doesn't make waves. She tells grandma that she daydreams during class.
Grades - all 4's except social studies (hates it)
Beginning of Grade reading - 99% (NC Ready Lexile Framework 1145L)
Cogat -Composite QN 98% Composite VQN 99%
Iowa - 99% Reading NPR Math 98%
The schools states that with these scores:
Very Strong--Students who score 98-99% on both aptitude (CogAT or similar) and achievement (IOWA or similar) assessments with supporting classwork demonstrating two or more grade levels above may be identified as Very Strong. Students with a very strong need for differentiation receive services in the regular education classroom and with the AIG teacher for a minimum of 45 minutes per identified area, per week
One more thing - she does get pulled out for accelerated math (teacher suggested), but it's not all the time. She will get AG services next year, but my other daughter is in AG math currently, and she says she only gets AG math every other week. So what's a kid to do if they get so little from the AG services? There will be single subject acceleration offered to some kids so I will bring that up with her teacher.