Originally Posted by Madoosa
1. Expressing Anger is healthy! even if your child is yelling at you it's fine and permissible! They are expressing their emotions.

It sounds like you have had a great relationship with your therapist with much success. I would argue the point with her about yelling...since this is not a socially accepted way to deal with anger (ie: if they start yelling at a teacher they are going to end up in the principal's office and possibly out of school altogether).

Each parent has their own threshold for what is acceptable at home. If my son wants to yell in his room to the abyss, no problem -maybe one or two good yells..but he is not allowed to yell at me or anyone else. "Mad Isn't Bad" is a good book about how to rechannel angry energy.

Last edited by Evemomma; 07/06/12 12:17 PM.