Apologies in advance if there was a thread on this. Perhaps I'm not searching the archives properly as I wasn't able to find a similar discussion.

Do you or don't you tell your child his/her IQ score? Why or why not? I'd love your thoughts.

Background: we may be getting DS8 tested soon. He is very keen on IQ testing. But I'm not sure I want him to know the score. He's quite mature for his age so possibly he will understand when I ask him to keep it to himself. I think what I'm concerned about is that he may start "defining" himself and what he can or cannot do based on the number. I really don't want that to happen. He reads a lot about brain research etc so he has a good level of knowledge about IQ scores, learning styles etc. I am anxious about how he will use the knowledge and how it will affect his self-esteem etc especially if he has certain expectations of himself.