My girls haven't said comments like that but I have had a chat to them about the law, the police, real life consequences etc etc. Can I recommend, if you are going down that path, that you make sure you spend a lot of time on the explanation as one of my 6 yr old asked me the other day "how did you feel when you were in jail mommy?" .... I was gobsmacked and just said "I've never been to jail, what made you ask that?" and she explained that some time ago I had discussed concepts like law, judges, jail, police etc and as she now knows I got a speeding fine from the police a few years ago she wants to know what jail was like?"....... fair assumption from my explanation of things but I was rather glad this thought of hers came out at home and not at school (in fact my first question to her was "you haven;t written about this at school have you?"--> she is an avid writer and I'm getting a little "over" the things she writes about us at school (luckily to date it has just been about how dirty the shower is etc)