I had a similar experience as delbows when dd 4 took wppsi right after turning 4. I was around the corner so could pretty well hear just about everything.
---, but otherwise it seemed like a lot of pretty 'obvious' stuff, for her, but then again I guess that's the point, the stuff she knows is pretty different than what other 4's know. For instance she didn't get anything wrong at all in vocab.
I did notice one question that really made me want to come around the corner and say 'she really knows that???'...towards the end of the math-y bit.
If she took it now, at 5, I am not sure it would hold her interest, as well, but perhaps there are alternate questions for that age (?).

She did really well, but I understand that test scores later might dip a bit, but it did line up with what we were 'seeing at home', so all in all, it seemed relatively accurate.

Last edited by Mark Dlugosz; 04/18/11 11:05 AM. Reason: Revealed some test info