We moved 5 months ago, but it was not quite as far away from our original home as you will be. Our new house is 7 minutes from our old but in a new neighbourhood and different school district. DD8.5 also had mixed feelings about the move. She was excited to have a new and bigger house with a big room and a huge yard, but she worried a lot about losing touch with her friends. What we found most interesting was her response after we moved. She was wracked with an intense feeling of guilt that she had abandoned her old house and hurt it's feelings. She told us that it was 'where she grew her soul' and she wanted it to know how much she loved it. It took her two or three months before she would admit that she loved the new house, I think because she felt it was disoloyal to feel this way. We listened to her thoughts and reassured her that, like plants, sometimes we need to move to bigger pots so our roots can grow larger. She eventually came to her own conclusion that there is now more room for her soul in this house.

I never expected to be having philosophical conversations about moving, but you never know how a GT child will respond to any given situation. I wish you good luck with your move. Sounds like it is going to be a long trip!

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery