So I called the private school and explained the situation, and they said that DD9 should definitely come in and take the math placement test when the 6th graders take it (in early May?). They said that, if it shows she needs more than 6th grade math, they will either have her go across the street to math at the 7th-12th grade school or they will figure out some sort of arrangement for her to get the higher math in the 6th grade classroom next year. So, it's good to see that they are thus far receptive to the idea of her doing something different. Hopefully they will remain supportive after they see how she does. We didn't talk about the idea of her skipping 6th entirely -- still haven't wrapped my head around that idea and we're still thinking about whether that would be best.

Now my only question is, is it okay to pass it off to my daughter as "the school likes to assess the math abilities of all new students before the beginning of the year?"

She thought she could, so she did.