Ok, I am a bit confused. I just got home from my DD10 GIEP meeting in which I signed a waiver to forgo the 10 days that I would have to review any tests...I know stupid of me probably huh?
I asked for testing to be done because DD seemed to be having problems with spelling and a few other things. During the meeting the Psych went verbally over the scores and everything sounded fine. I actually get home and start reading the report and now I am not so happy.
What do these mean?

First he gave her the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test
Verbal 129 97th% Above Average
Nonverbal 126 96th% Above Average
IQ composite 132 98th% Upper Extreme

Nothing surprising here it pretty much matches her previous IQ full IQ test.

Now to my confusion/concern

Woodcock Johnson III Test of Achievement (WJ-III)
Letter Word Ident 107 68th%
Reading Fluency 118 88th%
Passage Comprehension 105 62th%
Word Attack 104 61st%
Calculation 114 83rd%
Applied Problems 112 78th%
Spelling 95 37th%
Writing Samples 116 85th%

In his written evaluation of these scores for Letter-word Ident, Passage comprehension, Word Attack, and Spelling he said that she performed in the Average range and that there was a "Severe discrepancy (more then 15 standard score points) between her measured overall cognitive ability and her measured performance. Of course when he verbally went over this he didn't say it this way he just said she was in the average range.

The way I am interpreting this is that she is not performing at the same level as her IQ scores state she should. Of course since she is getting all A's in school and performing on Average with her peers school is not going to do anything for her.

I am just trying to figure out if we as her parents should be taking this further and if so what to do.
