Originally Posted by Ann
However, my mother complains that I used to help others at the expense of my own emotional wellbeing as a child. She thought I was too emotionally sensitive to others that I thought needed my "help". blush

You know, I was just like this as a child. And I have to watch myself even now at times. It's really easy to take on too much. Especially when you have small kids at home draining the life out of you (did I say that aloud? wink ).

I can see this trait in DD3 too. Every time she has something, she wants to take it to school to give to her teachers or friends. She writes out cards and drawing for specific people every day. She cries if someone is sick from preschool. DS is very empathetic and is concerned about world issues, war in Iraq, etc. He is not the emotional rollarcoaster his sister is though.