I would go to your library and see if they have The Well Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer. It's a neo-classical method which may or may not strike your fancy but you'd either rule it out or in. If you rule it in, it's a good roadmap. You then decide where you want your focus to be and trim and expand where it suits you and your kids.

You can also check out Charlotte mason materials, there are many websites.

I think Rebecca Rupp has a Homeschooling the gifted Child book??????

I concur on not buying a lot of things. I would go to Singapore Math.com or Saxonmath.com (not sure if that's the correct url) or mathmammoth.com and download a placement test for whatever grade level you think they are at and give to your kids to get an idea of where they are in math and if they have any holes which can be quickly filled.

Then if you like history, I'd think about how you'd like to do history....interest led? Topic led? Chronologically? Then ask for advice about books and just get some good non-fiction history books. I'd do the same with science....although most do science at this age via interest. Ask them what they want to learn about. Human Body? Go to the library and start looking what they offer.

I'm HSing a 10yr (almost 11) old DS and a 7yr old (almost 8) DS along w/ a 4yr DD so I kids are close in age.

Ask any questions you may have!