Sounds like less than stellar communication between the two teachers, honestly.

That should not be your son's problem to fix, but the school's. I'd let them KNOW that there are gaps like this, however.

After all, if he is being left unsupervised and nobody even knows about it, that is certainly a problem from a liability standpoint.


It seems to me that logistically, there needs be an adult involved in the "hand-off" from one teacher's responsibility to the other when he transitions. Otherwise, how does the kindy teacher even know he made it to the 1st grade class? Or, as in your example, vice versa? What if there were a fire drill or lockdown? He'd be unsupervised and unaccounted for, perhaps for hours.

This is different than a child being sent to the restroom alone-- in that case, the classroom teacher definitely has an awareness of when a student has been absent "too long" and can investigate.

Even a peer "buddy" as an escort might be a good idea if nothing else is workable. At least that way a teacher is aware of whether or not there has been a glitch.

Last edited by HowlerKarma; 04/07/11 11:12 AM.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.