My DS5 does all academics with first grade and everything else with kindergarten. The academics part of things hasn't been an issue. He finds first grade very easy. However, he seems to have trouble with the practical part of moving between two classrooms. When I went to the school to pick up another child this morning, I saw a teacher (not one of his teachers) bringing him to the office. He had gone to kindergarten after completing first grade and no one was in the room (they were at music... he was supposed to have gone to the office to wait... not sure if anyone told him that) He had been visibly upset about not knowing what to do about being in an empty room. These type of things seem to happen a lot. He spends a decent amount of time sitting in the office waiting, wondering around looking for where his class is, lost, etc. I know a lot of people on this forum have kids doing work in multiple grades. Is this the norm? Do you have any suggestions? I don't know if I should have the school write out a schedule for him or what. I'm beginning to wonder if these type of problems are causing more stress for him than the grade skip is worth.