Can't find it ATM, but I was reading on last night that you can teach all the early math using common Little Golden Book picture books. Littlest kids can use different color beads- a red one for every time the horse is in the story, a green one for every time you see the pig. Older kids can draw graphs to illustrate how many times someone was clever vs. how many times they were sad.

Or you could just buy the Singapore math books.
What math do you want her to know?
Just kindergarten readiness?
As much as she can learn?
Something useful?

Measure everything- inches, time of day, money, measuring cups. Math is used in machinery, orgami, "math is all around". Has she seen the leapfrog math circus and math to the moon dvd's yet?

What's kumon anyway, I've only seen the workbooks? Is it like an hour, like karate class, or is it an all day thing.

Ps I know more stuff about early math if y'a wanna know.

Re-read your post. You just want word problems. Make them up from whatever bedtime stories you read the night before, so you have time to think of one. Or look at Maria Miller's Mammoth Math program. Sign up for her email and download her free samples so you can find out which workbook you want.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar