Thanks for the reply!

We do have other reasons to suspect ASD, and had the ADI-R done after the other testing and his scores supported diagnosis. However, in all honesty I do question whether he is truly on the spectrum as his presentation is not typical for Asperger's and his ASD-ish traits vary wildly over time so at times he looks very "spectrumy" (usually when his anxiety is higher), while at other times he just seems a bit rigid and somewhat shy and introverted. He seems to hold it together quite well at school (then melts down at home because of things that happened on the playground or bus that were upsetting / scary to him), so I actually think the school will be surprised if we disclose the diagnosis. We are intending to have other professional assessment before determining how to proceed.

Some other (maybe relevant) information...

He has been in a French Immersion program with only about 30 minutes a day of English, and no English instruction in reading and writing. In all honesty, I don't think there has been a lot of academics covered in the classroom at all...

On the comprehension subtest he often answered "I don't know". On the vocabulary subtest he often gave a partial definition, usually missing what others would think was the "main point" (I don't think I should be giving an example from the test here, and can't think of anything similar to use as an example right now...).

I will look into the RIAS - I don't know if anyone around here uses it.

Last edited by lovemyboys; 04/06/11 05:58 AM.