I don't have a lot of time, but I wanted to chime in. We are starting this process next week. My son has always had lots of food sensitivities, and allergies, since birth. I nursed him for almost two years because I had nothing to wean him to. He now drinks hemp milk, which most people give me trouble about, you know, I'm feeding my kid thc or something. (insert eye roll and chuckle here.)

Anyways, he is having a hard time focusing lately, and the psych that administered his iq test is writing a book on thtis very subject. He believes as much as 80% of ADHD can be helped by dietary modification. He's starting us on this journey, although I'm not sure what else we can cut out, we are already dairy, soy, egg, wheat, peanut, tree nut, potato, celery, barley, chickpea and most bean free. My son does eat a lot of oat products, which can be cross contaminated with gluten, which is a big trigger for some kids.

Anyways, I can keep everyone posted if you want. Sorry this is so choppy, Im on my iPad with my 9 month old twins crawling all over me. smile

Last edited by Amber; 04/05/11 05:42 PM.

I can spell, I just can't type on my iPad.