Originally Posted by herenow
Has anyone read the full article? I hadn't initially realized just how restricted the diet was. Rice, white meat, vegetables and fruits. And that's it.

Unless I am misreading things, it seems to be more of a food allergy question than a kids are eating too much junk food question.

I'd love to know if you read this differently.
I couldn't find the full article for free, but I do think this isn't the usual 'sugar and food coloring sensitivities cause ADHD behaviors.'

What I got from reading between the lines was that they took all the kids off almost everything for 5 weeks and saw which ones responded. Then they kept playing around with adding foods back slowly for the responders and let the nonresponders go back to normal eating.

I just think the results are usually higher numbers for a project like this.

I'm trying to play devils advocate, and all I can think of is that maybe the super-strict limits that had to be enforced had a behavioral effect? Maybe the kids were shook up enough that they felt like they HAD to behave? I doubt it, what else could it be - besides food reactions?


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