Pink, Pink!!!!!!! Over here!!!!!!!!

waving hands wildly!!!!!!!

DD8's teacher told us something similar at the beginning of the year at conference!
She said "I would like DD to slow down, especially when she is reading"
Me: "Why?"
Teacher: "When she reads aloud, she speaks so quickly, the other children can't understand what she is saying."
Me: "Okay, I'll ask her to slow down a little when she is reading, but I won't ask her to slow down in any other area. It's how she naturally thinks and I wouldn't ask her to slow down anymore than I'd ask a child that was slower to "speed up" before they were ready"

That was the end of that. And I did tell DD to slow down when reading aloud in class. I told her she never needed to slow down at any other time, except if she found herself making mistakes.

I have an idea. Next time the teacher makes a totally inappropriate comment or reqest, simply say "Why?" Then don't say anything else. Even if the teacher just stares at you for five minutes, they must speak first. Then, let them say their peace. Then wait silently 1 or 2 more minutes. Then say, I'll take it under consideration and end the meeting.
