When you described your family and yourself, I was not the least bit surprised. My family also has a lot of these various characteristics with maybe the exception of the hypotonia (at least I am not aware of it).

I found it interesting when you mentioned recognizing your DD's ability to memorize and was not as good at comprehension. This is particularly hard to detect and something I feel I am able to often see in people. Interestingly enough, I would describe my ability to remember fact based information as extremely poor. This is one of the reasons I was not surprised you mentioned having a weakness of memorizing. I am not sure if these two abilities are inversely related to a high degree.

My mom was the one with an extreme ability to remember information. A lot of people referred to her as having a photographic memory. She used to get on my case for my inability to remember, whereas I would have trouble trying to explain some concepts to her (she was reasonably good at it).

I would classify myself as being born well into the autism spectrum, resulting in not being able to walk and talk till near the age of 3. Yes, I also believe late development can be a sign of autism, but more for the extreme form of it. However, I also believe neural development patterns are not necessarily consistent through life. In my case, I believe my late neural development was far outside the spectrum. I don't know if extreme changes in the pattern of development are common, but I do believe it happens in some cases.

This is all just my personal thoughts.