Originally Posted by Drea4545
Ya, I am kind of thinking that she is beyond the others in her class. I'm feeling bad that I haven't checked out her reading group and the school year is almost over (1 quarter left).

"Anne Frank" she reads with me at bedtime (maybe an entry or 2) and we spend a lot of time discussing both vocabulary and history.
It's not too late to get a better reading placement and you are early for getting a good placement for next year!

for comparison, my son's school taught Anne Frankas a 6 week project in 6th grade. I think you will be hard pressed to find other 1st graders who are read for that academically or emotionally.

Excellent advice from HM regarding 'pre-1960 books'
some exceptions that are 'great for young teens - preread to see if you think they are good for your 7 year old'
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lois_Lowry especially The Giver and Gossamer
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana_Wynne_Jones espescially Crestomansi
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