Originally Posted by Clark
amylou, my son is very interested in continuing his research. If he chooses Caltech, do you think he could start as soon as he gets there? Some have suggested that he wait, but he really wants to do more research ASAP. Thoughts?

I think meaningful research opportunities for undergraduates is a great strength of Caltech. I am just guessing why people you spoke to suggest waiting rather starting as soon as he gets there: to take time to gauge coursework demands? to visit with multiple professors in multiple disciplines to find the perfect research match?

It wouldn't be good to put a lot of effort and energy into an exciting research project, and then fail courses at the end of the quarter. I think the curriculum has changed some since I was there back in the dark ages (when the attrition rate *was* nearly 30% - I am glad to hear they fixed that), but back then, I would say I knew of just a handful of students who didn't find the first year course load demanding/stressful, despite their spectacular pre-college achievements. Caltech is on a quarter system, so in the grand scheme of things, waiting until second quarter to start research could be wise for this reason.

But I would not make sweeping generalizations - you and your son know best his academic capabilities, what will be inspiring to him, and how well equipped he is to manage multiple demands. It could be that a research experience would provide the spark to motivate his coursework achievement. Can you visit some time this spring/summer and scope out research opportunities? In some cases, research groups may have a lot of flexibility in dynamically adjusting research expectations as needed over the ebb and flow of the academic year.