I totally get where you are coming from. It is smart to avoid assuming when it comes to GT kids, as it seems they are all so different and each have complex profiles. Our noble goal is to get our DD to a point where she is happy and then go from there. Seems like such a low standard to have, but there it is.

And I have to agree with your points about suffering as an adult, as well. Yesterday and today, I attended a conference at work on a somewhat interesting topic. The first few hours were interesting. Yesterday, after lunch, my butt went to sleep, then I couldn't get comfortable in my chair and then I had to stand at the back of the room for a while and pace. Dinner last night was more of the same and I had thoughts of bolting the room (the excellent food kept me there, though ;-). This morning was pure torturous hell. I had pretty much gotten their message yesterday morning and just could not take anymore. It got me to thinking... is this what my poor sweet girl goes through everyday at school??? No wonder she doesn't like to go!!

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery