I was diagnosed (or diagnosed myself more accurately) with ADHD inattentive as an adult. It wasn't an issue prior to that due to giftedness, and somewhat of a photographic memory (and being a compliant, rule-following, teacher-pleasing girl) compensating for it. I remember specific instances that IMO were caused by ADHD as early as 4th grade. There were also behaviors that *looked* liked ADHD but were actually caused by being a bored gifted kid in an environment that wasn't challenging enough. The first time I remember it being an issue with school performance was in AP English my senior year of high school. It was a BIG issue in college. (The lack of enough challenge prior also meant that I my study skills were poor). It was real life and adding a 3rd child that finally made it clear my coping skills were not working and it was time to figure out what was going on.

My dd4 (adopted) who I think is prob. in the vicinity of HG could look to a teacher like ADHD (hyperactivity and impulsive) but I really believe with her it is caused by giftedness and with appropriate stimulation the behaviors go away.

My ds7 (bio.) has Down syndrome, but I am just beginning to think that he may also have ADHD (impulsive and inattentive). I know there is a genetic component and see it clearly in my father, brother, and 2 cousins (inattentive for all of them--although as kids it may have looked more like hyperactivity).

I can certainly understand being wary about medicating a child, and so being nervous about getting a diagnosis, but I think it would have made a profound difference for me (and my brother) to have been diagnosed sooner.